I'm very new to the Fresh Loaf site. I have a question that I was hoping one of you might be able to help me with. Every time that I make Sourdough English muffins or Crumpets, after the items cool, they get a greyish dark brown discloration. I have used 2 different recipes on both items. At first I thought it might be from my starter because I had fed it with wheat flour once by acccident. I also thought perhaps it could be caused by undercooking so this last time I cooked them longer on an electric flat griddle. Would cooking them in the oven work better?
They always looks perfect after I make them but the discoloration shows up after the items have cooled. This time I used a recipe with some wheat flour & I thought they were going to be perfect, but sure enough after cooling the discoloration showed up. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
thanks so much! I love this site & learn so much from all of you!
I read someplace that overworking the dough can cause that. I have the same problem. I have not tried making them since I read that was the problem.
baking soda...maybe, if your recipe calls for it! Your recipe probably doesn't have egg in it but to much baking soda in a recipe with eggs can also gives a greenish, gray color.