Good sourdough cookbook?


Can people recommend their favorite sourdough cookbooks?  I'm looking for books that include recipes for cookies, cakes, and other stuff that I can experiment with.


My go to book for sourdough is "Nancy Silverton's Breads from La Brea Bakery". Every recipe in the book is made with a wild yeast starter and I have yet to make anything in the book that didn't turn out wonderfully. Truthfully, I do treat Oscar (my 18 month old starter; he's messy) quite a bit less lovingly than Ms Silverton's three feedings a day, but if I want to try a new bread style, I start with one of her recipes and evolve from there.

I wish you well,


It is a great book on sourdough with everything from breads to dog biscuits to onion rings.  It also has a recipe for the best pancakes I have ever had... hands down.  I wouldn't hesitate to get the book if you are serious about sourdough.

Sounds perfect.  Thanks, everyone.  This is truly a great forum -- very glad to have found this community!

Hi all,

I did get Nancy's book and it IS terrific.  Thanks for the recommendation.

I admit though that I was a little bummed that there weren't any cookie recipes, or much that wasn't bread-based.  I do look forward to making the cake, but sourdough chocolate cake recipes are pretty common.

Are there any other books or resources out there that might lead me to more surprising ways to use my sourdough starter?