Hi Dave,
I prepared my own version of your San Joaquin sourdough formula this morning but I am confused about the salt content in the formula. Do you salt your starter?
Ingredients Weight Baker's Percentage
Firm starter 150 gms 30.00%
KAF AP flour 450 gms 90.00%
BRM Dark Rye flour 50 gms 10.00%
Water 360 gms 72.00%
Salt 10 mgs 2.00%
If I assume your starter to be 100/60 compostion then your total flour is 450+50+94 (from starter)=594g. Thus, 10g/ 594g= 1.7%. I added enough salt to bring it up to 1.9% total. Do you think there will be any significant differences in how the dough performs compared to yours?
Hi, Franc.
No. I don't salt my starter.
My starter is 1:3:4 (starter:water:flour). I feed it with a flour mix of 70:20:10 (AP:WW:Rye).
The main effect of adding salt to a fermenting starter is to slow down fermentation. This is sometimes done intentionally to manipulate timing.
How much salt to add to the dough is a matter of taste. I add 10 gms of salt for 500gms of flour (not counting the flour in the starter). If you add more than the 100 gms of starter I usually use to the dough, you are adding more flour and may find the bread tastes like it needs more salt. If so, increase it.