sour dough olive oil enriched

Profile picture for user yozzause

Whilst dividing my sour dough culture the other evening a sudden urge to take advantage of the cooler weather (36 deg it has been over 40) and bake came over me. I decided to make a small dough and was thinking of making some bread sticks so added a goodly amount of olive oil to the mix.

Any way as the stretch and folds were done and the time wore on i decided to change to a loaf instead so the dough was shaped and later put into the fridge as i went to bed.

I awoke at 3am so took the dough from the fridge to allow time to warm up before baking b4 work, 6.30 into the oven and then just enough time to cool.  pictures taken at work and available for morning tea.

the small loaf did not go that far but it was enjoyed by us all. i currently have a sour dough rye that i bought to work and will bake either tonigh when i get home or will refrigerate for tomorrow morning  to take along to a bbq with friends we haven't seen for years



Your bread looks great!  What sourdough recipe did you use and how did you know how much oil to add?  I typically either use Susan's sourdough or the 1-2-3 recipe. I seem to have success with those and haven't ventured out of my comfort zone.

Your bread looks really tender.  YUM!


Profile picture for user Doughtagnan

Hi Yozza, I always add a "couple of lugs", of extra virgin to all my bread recipes (inc Sourdough) and they seem none the worse for it!. I am lucky to have a friend who has some land and some olive trees in Kalamata, Greece so always have some good quality oil to hand. Mind you I also add no or very little salt (high BP!) and that also does not seem to make any difference to the end product. I always think there is far too much salt in most food recipes and once you cut it out it's not missed (ok apart from chips, fries toms, eggs....)

Cheers, Steve

My daughter married a greek guy (great guy) and his parents have homes in Greece.  They live outside of Chicago most of the year but travel 'back home' every year or so.  Over a year or so ago they brought me a 5 gallon can of extra virgin greek olive oil from a friend or relative in Greece.  I'm still not sure how they got it here - it weighed a TON!  It was the nicest gift I've received in the past 5 years and I dread running out.  They've asked a few times if I still have some and thankfully I do, but I sure hope when it runs out - I can get more of it.  It's WONDERFUL!

I've been forewarned that the bottom couple of inches in the can probably is mostly sediment.  Oh how I dread running out of it!  The can is getting lighter and easier to pour from so that is both good and bad.  Means I'm getting low.  I pour into green Costco Olive Oil bottles and use from there.  Refill those when needed but otherwise - keep it stored it in the can.


Yep me too, when the 5 litres of Kalamata's finest run dry my backup is 5l of Costco Fillipo Berio Extra Virgin, luckily for us Costco came and civilised the UK a few years back! At least my mate can drive back from Greece....


You have to be kidding. You get up at 4AM to start the dough warming so you can take fresh bread to work? You are my hero!

And, the bread looks great! Great post yozza, thank you.


sorry about not posting what went in etc but my notes were at home and i did the post from work. i used 150g of mature starter (just at the time it is ready to be fed) 150g flour 30g olive oil this was good stuff from our premier wine growing region. 60g water.4g salt As i said i was intending doing bread sticks with this but got a bit lazy and so decided on a loaf. i did a few stretch and folds very hour for 3 hours, shaped the loaf and placed in the fridge befor bed. i have always been able to wake up with out an alarm so at 3 am pulled it from the fridge ( i also needed to visit the bathroom ) so i was pleased with the result my 2 work colleagues even more so. We felt the crust had a shortness to it,which im sure came from the oil almost shortbread cookie like. Whist i was waiting for the bread to come from the oven i mixed a rye that came to work and got the stretch and folds there and was baked when i got home yet to cut that, and it did flatten quite a bit. THANKS FOR YOUR NICE COMMENTS I reckon the residue at the bottom of the olive can will be great to add to a dough should be some intense olive flavour there.

Now you have me curious about the bottom of the can.....  I hope I don't find out for a while yet, but you could be right about using that in a dough.


Thanks for posting your recipe.  I just made one yesterday using the following:

250 g bread flour

238 g water

1 tsp yeast

6 g salt (held off on this for about 10 minutes)

70g discard starter  (65% hydration was in the original recipe but I think mine was more like 75 - 80%)

I mixed all together but the salt, beat for a minute or so then allowed to autolyse for about 10 minutes.  then added the salt and continued as follows......

beat with my KA for about 5 minutes with paddles, switched to hook for another 5 or so minutes or until dough was off the bottom and sides cleanly.

I let that triple - took about 3-1/2 hours

poured onto the floured bread board - lightly shaped - moved to parchment paper and let rise for about 1 hour while preheating a stone at the highest temp my oven would go to  500+ ( I have an old but much loved Comstock Castle restaurant range in my kitchen and I think the oven burner needs replacing.  It was made in 1946 and the fins don't look so great anymore so the temp isn't very regulated.)

slid parchment and all onto the stone and baked for about 18 minutes.

I got a nice rise, lots of holes and a nice texture inside and out.

I want to give credit to the person from whom I got this recipe, but I can't seem to find the original post.  I'll continue to look for it.  It's got to be here somewhere on this site.

How do you suppose your recipe would work using this method of just allowing to rise without the s&f's?

I'm going to give your recipe a try.  Adding the olive oil sounds so good!  Does the addition of olive oil displace what might have been water?

Hi Avatrx1 if you add anything to a dough that is of a liquid nature then a small amount of compensation is required, oil is possibly more easily assimilated than water and less likely to make the dough as sticky if the addition was water instead of oil, the whole point is trying what suites you, more hydration or less what ever suits you or the type of bread you are wanting to make. Certainly the style of dough making is also going to have a bearing on the finished product and in this area i am still learning as my training never encompassed anything other than commercial bread making. I think most dough formulas can be tried different ways for differing results. Just try and dont be afraid to experiment take NOTES you may well hit on something that you want to replicate and more importantly share with us regards Yozza