Blog posts

SF Sourdough (Giraudo's recipe)


I tried Mike Giraudo's recipe, posted by dmsnyder.  It was as follows

  • 250g starter (60% hydration)
  • 600g water
  • 1000g flour
  • 20g salt

Makes two 875g loafs

 Mix all ingredients 2 minutes on low speed until mixed, then mix 9 more minutes on next level speed. Then a quick stretch and fold, rest dough 30 mins, then stretch and fold one more time. 

 Then cover and let dough rest for about 8 hours at room temp. 

Seeds, Seeds and More Seeds Sourdough (Sesame, Amaranth, Millet, Sunflower, Flax, Buckwheat)

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

No story! Just needed to use up some of my stash! ?





Makes 3 loaves


Seed Soaker

50 g Sesame seeds (I used half black and half white)

30 g Amaranth seeds

30 g Millet seeds

70 Sunflower seeds

30 g Buckwheat groats

175 g room temperature water

30 g plain yogurt


Main dough

600 g strong baker’s unbleached flour

150 g high extraction Selkirk flour (175 g berries)

150 g high extraction Red Fife flour (175 g berries)

Extraction Rates of Flour


It has just become clear to me that extraction rates of flour are not always comparable.

When someone says that straight flour (white flour, AP flour, whatever) is about 72% extraction, that means 72% of the whole grain was kept as flour.  28% was tossed out as animal feed, including the bran, germ, and some wasted endosperm.

1-2-3 Fourth and Done?

Profile picture for user Valdus

I think I have finally achieved what I wanted to do for about the three years that I have been sourdoughing. I think I have achieved the oven spring I wanted, and by all means yall be the judge. 

I took the very same recipe that I had for my third attempt with two notable differences. 

Seeded Multigrain Sourdough


I made this seeded multigrain a few days back.  I consider it a success but I would make changes next time.   It was light and soft (short from the oil) but not at all sour, and I'm not sure the tiny hard seeds are even digestible. Next time I might sprout and/or grind the seeds first, and use less oil (it was too shortened).


Mike Giraudo's SFSD a la dmsnyder/Ann Rogers


Hi David, I decided to try this bread as per the recipe you posted as per Ann Rogers. I halved the recipe to make one boule. And I stuck to all purpose for this bread. I made a stiff starter (probably around 62%) - which I think fermented a bit too long in my oven with the light on - about 12 hours, however, I went for it. It went into the fridge for about 12 hours, baked at 475 F in my Staub DO lid on for 20 minutes, then lid off, dropped the temp to 450F with convection on for 12 minutes. I'll send a crumb shot when it cools. 

Here is a 2nd shot of the bread, cooling....

Best Bread to Teach to a Class of Beginners?

Profile picture for user GwenReeves

I've been asked to teach a class on bread.

It will be whole grain, as that is what I usually bake. What do you think would be the best starting place. My daughter thinks that my usual process of soakers and biga's and sour dough etc will scare beginners.

I just tried the Basic Whole Wheat Bread recipe from The Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book with good success, but it doesn't have the flavors of the longer ferments.


Abe's do-nothing bread gets a soaker (thanks, CedarMountain!)


As I mentioned previously, Abe taught me many months ago about do-nothing bread -- I think it was to help me get over (yet another) failed bake. This was ostensibly foolproof and painless. I believe it's based on Teresa Greenway's overnight sourdough, which in turn might have been based on Yoan Ferrant's do-nothing, 16-hour bread. In any case, Abe gave me an easy-to-remember formula, and I've used it faithfully for the occasional midweek bake, when running low on bread.