Blog posts

Macau Almond Cookie SD


No. You didn’t read that wrong. This bake was inspired by the delicate, melt-in-your-mouth biscuits from Macau. I had no intention to put almonds or seaweed in the dough at first. Yet when the grains were being milled, the aroma of roasted nuts filled the kitchen. It totally blew my mind! Ahem, I came so close to adding pork floss to the dough. 



Macau Almond Cookie SD



Starting a New Adventure


Well after thinking about this for a while, and finally getting a grain mill for Christmas, I am going to jump into a new adventure in bread.  I am going to start playing around with some ancient grains.  I am going to start with a whole wheat and Spelt Pan Levain formula I found on Perfect Loaf, then an Einkorn Miche on the same site.  Then we go full into the darkside with Amaranth, sprouted grains and Freekah.  Will do my best to write about the trials and tribulations as I encounter them.


This should be fun and frustrating all at the same time.

christmas bake for family gathering

Profile picture for user yozzause

4 types of bread baked for christmas lunch

bottom left is a Potato and Rosemarie s/d with white flour

bottom centre is a 1kg  brioche plait white flour

bottom right is a multigrain using London Porter as the  liquid content

 top is two curved epis  with black spanish olives and fennell seeds

flours used were an imported italian Granoro il Primo tipo "00" and a multigrain from a local providora in Fremantle.

Ovens and baking


I like easy bread. I bake because I am too lazy to go down to a bakery and buy bread. There have been times when I could put the tea kettle on, and step out the door, and be back with an excellent baguette before the kettle boiled.  If I could still do that, I would bake less often. 

14th bake. 12/21/2019. GOOD!

Profile picture for user idaveindy

Goals: 1200 g dough, 90% hydration, 1.9% salt.  Use last 266 g of home-milled Prairie Gold, and use equal amount, 266 g, of home-milled Kamut, and rest King Arthur All Purpose. Soak the 532 g (266+266) of home-milled flour for an hour with 88 % hydration, because it is coarse-milled. Use 100 g of starter, 125% hydration, with Cultures For Health San-Fran Sourdourgh culture (not the Whole Wheat/desem culture).  Fed it two days ago, hoping to bake then, but it sat in fridge.  Looks active, so I'll chance using it without feeding.

Two Loaves Using Overnight Method

Profile picture for user ifs201

Given a busy holiday season and the very cold weather in my apartment, I wanted to try letting the bulk ferment go overnight. With the encouragement of the good TFL folks, I decided to try two loaves using 5% pre-fermented flour (50g starter/500g flour/375g water/10g salt) for an 11 hour room temp bulk (approximately 65 degrees) followed by 11 hours in the fridge. 

13th bake. 12/18/2019.

Profile picture for user idaveindy

Dec. 18, 2019.

Goal:  25% KA AP loaf, 75% home-milled whole wheat.  Intending for largest loaf to fit in the deep part of the Lodge 3.2qt combo cooker.  Was off by 145 g, should have been 1200 g, instead of 1345 g.  88% hydration for the soaker with the home milled flour.  Approx 87% final hydration. 1.9% salt.  Using a new starter from CFH, SF  Sourdough, not the Carl's 1847, or the "Whole Wheat/desem" that I had used prior to that.

An Old Time Freshloafers Favorite!

Profile picture for user SylviaH

Happy Holiday Wishes to All!

It's been a long time since I've posted anything.   

I came back today searching for this yeasted bread to bake for a family Christmas breakfast bread.

 It's been so long!  I could not remember the name or where to find the recipe.  After searching I found it. 'Peter Reinhart's, The Bread Baker's Apprentice cinnamon raisin walnut bread'.

 My favorite is to use white raisins and pecans.

This bread is loved and has been baked by so many of our long time Freshloafers!