Blog posts

Sweet Potato and a dash of Carrot

Profile picture for user yozzause

Having a family gathering on the occasion of my sister in laws birthday, so i made the bread for the lunch, i decided on two loaves and would require 1500g of dough. I had some Sweet Potato that i had unearthed from my garden and thought that would be a good  inclusion, i also added a small carrot to make up the required weight which was to be 15%. The veg required cooking off and i thought i might just as well add the olive oil @ 2% to it and fry it off in a sauce pan with the lid on, once this was cooked i mashed it and added to the dough . 

Blueberry Rhubarb lattice crust pie

Profile picture for user Benito

We LOVED the blueberry rhubarb galette I made last week so much I had to make it as a double crust pie this week to bring to friends.  Because of the pandemic we haven’t seen our best friends since 2019.  We are allowed to have a bubble of 10 people but haven’t really taken advantage of this so far.  

20% Kamut sourdough

Profile picture for user Benito

This is my second go at baking a 20% Kamut sourdough. I wanted to try an overnight levain build and saltolyse (autolyse with salt included) because it would allow me to get the bake done on the same day as the mix while still including a short cold retard.  I think this actually works out quite well and I may continue to do this int he future.  I once again used the aliquot jar and ended bulk fermentation when the aliquot jar showed a rise of 50% and after final shaping did a short bench rest of 15 minutes.

Raw Red Onion and Black Sesame S/D Baguettes

Profile picture for user yozzause

Following on from the good result that i had with the 50% W/M Raw Red Onion and Poppy Seed loaf  that i really enjoyed i had another go this time it was 50% W/M  Raw Red Onion with Black Sesame Seed S/D Baguettes Oh and i used full cream milk as well and again very very tasty indeed. Dough started at 8 this morning and  all don and dusted  at 8 in the evening.

Baguettes au Levain set no. 15

Profile picture for user Benito

This is set number 15 of my baguette trials and tribulations and in some ways one of the most successful baguette bakes I’ve had where I figured something out that has turned out to be critical to my baguettes.  I have been stumped by the lack of ears and grigne on my baguettes, but happy with the crumb.  Well in this bake I reduced bulk fermentation aiming for only a 25% rise in bulk and then eliminated bench room temperature proofing of the shaped dough instead putting the baguettes into the fridge after final shaping.

Jalapeno Cheddar Focaccia(SD)...kind of.


Although it's more of an Everything-I-Craved focaccia!

I wanted einkorn bread, garlic onion bread, something cheesy, something spicy and everything bagels!

So I winged an einkorn focaccia with jalapeno, green onion, garlic olive oil, cheddar,  black pepper and everything seasoning ?‍♀️

It ended up pretty good tho! 

A day of contrasting results

Profile picture for user leslieruf

Reading through some of the Baguette CB posts I noticed that alfanso had made Hamelman's Sourdough Seeded Bread and when I was deciding what to make this week I decided to have a go at this.  

Monday I refreshed my starter and then before I went to bed I mixed up the soaker & the levain

Soaker: 27 g flaxseed & 81 g room temperature water. Covered and left overnight

Levain: 12 g starter + 73 g water + 57 g flour mixed, covered and left overnight. 

Save the date! Bake in the holiday season, with Julia Childs

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

Hello friends.

 At some point during the week of October 19th, I will be making my interpretation of Julia Childs Cranberry walnut pumpkin bread. this enriched "brioche" type bread has become a Pie king tradition! Maybe it will become a tradition around your way too! 

 What do you say? Take a break from sticks, I look forward to seeing all of your creations!