Blog posts

Sourdough Pizza on Christmas Eve

Profile picture for user texasbakerdad

Christmas has been busy with activities so far. I am trying to stay disciplined and post my bakes, because I am finding the posts useful when I am trying to plan future bakes. I am going to post 3 blog posts today with the different bakes over Christmas I want to keep notes on.

Unfortunately or fortunately depending on who you ask, I am short on time this morning, so I will try to keep the posts brief.


Sourdough Coffee Bread


A very good tasting chew, with butter, toasted or untoasted.  Hard to pin down the dominant flavor, but it has chocolately, coffee, and rye tones.  Finally, a sweetness imparted by 3% Mesquite bean pod flour.  Smells iffy while fermenting, but sweet once baked.

Practice - why does it work ?

Profile picture for user kendalm

Well I had a baking extravaganza this weekend - pizza, croissants, baguettes and today canele.  I took a snap (with my flour encrusted phone - sorry for the lack of phoographic quality).  This bake had very few uncooked tops which if anyone has tried canele knows that cooking tops is a challenge since they like to rise or 'muffin top'.  I have no idea why with repetition, certain things just improve.  but to the bigger point - all y'all, sometimes its just a good thing to resign yourself to all the science and tips and tricks and just bake over and over - and accept the



Good day

KAF are not bromated, enriched or bleached from what I understand.  Is the same true of Wheat Montana flours?

Thank you

Father Raphael

Traditional baguettes, 12/27/2020 bake prep.

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

The dough has been mixed using my Traditional baguette, bosch specific method. We are now in bulk ferment. I find it very helpful to have my tiny work station ready and organized. 

 since we know that 1,680 grams of dough equal approximately 1.68 liters, we can calculate a 25% increase to be approximately 2.1 liters. The progress will be checked in 60 min. from the start of bulk. 

JMonkey's Desem


This post illustrates starter maintenance and an end-to-end bake of a whole wheat Desem loaf using home milled hard white spring wheat berries (Prairie Gold) using JMonkey's Desem post as a blueprint. It is relevant to some of the starter yeast-vs-LAB ratio discussions on TFL this past week.   It is fun to find such useful posts and discussions from the TFL "archives" back in 2009.  He summarizes the style succinctly, and helps dispel a lot of mystique around this style of bread:

40% Rye Sourdough Bread

Profile picture for user HungryShots

Recently I was challenged by 2 nice members of this community to bake rye bread. Although Christmas time is a bit crazy for me in terms of preparations, I made a combination of Christmas with rye bread and here is the result that I share to the community bake: