Blog posts

Funny story

Profile picture for user Floydm
So today I am pretending to camp in our living room with my three (almost four) year old son. At one point, while he is pretending to be a daddy, he turns to me and says "Now, I have to bake some bread and make some pizzas. You stay here and play with mommy and your sister for a few minutes" and marches off to the kitchen. Doh!

Sourdough Success

Profile picture for user Floydm
I had an unmitigated success with my sourdough starter today. Two round loaves of something resembling my rustic bread but with my starter instead of yeast. I pulled the starter out and started feeding it every 12 hours beginning Thursday evening. During that time I kept it in my oven with the light on so that it was in a 80 to 90 degree environment. It seems to require that: without it, I don't even get a doubling in 24 hours. With it I get nearly a tripling in size in about 8 hours.

terrific rye loaf

This recipe comes from "Home Baking-The Artful Mix of Flour and Tradition Around the World" by Alford and Duguid. I don't know if this book is known on this board as I recently got involved with this site. It is available from and is well worth it.

Fat Sweedish loaf

Continuing my bread exploration, i decided to try the Sweedish Rye aka Limpa recipe in the BBA. The loaf was too big to fit in my rather..too small oven, so the loaf look like a snake tht've swallowed too many chickens. In fact, one end was falling a bit from my baking sheet (covered all of it in the photo though) :P. Image hosted by I reduced the sugar content and used blackstrapp molasses instead. I regretted it. I should have added more sugar.

Lesson Five

Profile picture for user Floydm
With the site turning one year old, I decided it was time to finally put together an article on French Bread. Regular readers probably have noticed that while I bake some kind of French Bread (rustic bread, pan sur poolish, etc.) almost every week, I've yet to do an article on it.

Sunday Bread Baking Experience

Done some bread baking this past Sunday. Was fun getting the ole fingers into the dough. The first bread was two loaves of 100% Whole-wheat Bread. I used the recipe from Laurel's bread book. It is called "A Loaf To Learn". I have made it several times. And it usually turns out rather good. Especially after I found Wheat Montana brand whole-wheat bread flour at the local Wal-Mart. A wonderful whole wheat flour that is high-gluten as well as chemical-free. It will definetly be used in my bakery.

The Grain and I

What better title for my first blog than a turn of the phrase from that classic book by Betty MacDonald, The Egg and I? Usually if I want something catchy I have to borrow from someone brighter than myself. A little introduction, I am Teresa and I live in North Carolina, which is a Southern state in the US. Among the things that I am, I am a bread maker. I'm also a mom, sister, daughter, friend and quilter. I started making bread in earnest about 30 years ago when I used the very basic of tools, a bowl, wooden spoon, measuring cups and spoons, and my hands.

Weekend activities..

For a pot luck at church last weekend, I followed the 'Casatiello' recipe in the BBA. Image hosted by It was rich and very cheesy, and the crust was flaky. Also made the Tuscan Bread recipe. But i think too much flour paste and water made the inside a lil sticky and it became a rustic dough..and somehow, the gluten didn't develop right. Anyone experience that too? But the flour paste made the bread naturally sweet! Nevertheless, good with a stew..