Whole Wheat Molasses Bread


Bread (Whole Wheat Molasses)

Serves: 6

"The Sponge"

1st Add to Mixer (Add in this Order)

3 Cups unbleached flour

2 1/2 Tbls Yeast

2 Tbls salt

1/4 Cup sugar

4 Cups water warm 95*

Let above ingredients rise for 10-15 min until doubled

2nd Mix in 4 cup Measuring Cup

(Add in this Order)

1 Cup brown sugar

1/2 Cup olive oil

1/3 Cup molasses

2 1/2 Cups water warm 95*

Mix Measuring cup ingredients into mixer then add approx

14 Cups whole wheat flour enough to make a nice dough

Let Sponge (above Ingredients) rise for 10-15 min until doubled - While Sponge is rising Grind your whole wheat flour and Grease 6 bread pans When yeast mixture has doubled from first bowl, mix contents from second bowl or 4 cup measuring cup into Bosch Mixer Mix well then start adding wheat flour until dough starts pulling away from the sides of mixing bowl -- Mix in Mixer for 6 min-- OR knead by hand until your brains fall out. If you are using an "INSTANT" yeast like "SAF" divide into 6 loaves, put into pans, cover with cloth, let rise until doubled. If using a "REGULAR" yeast -- let rise until doubled approx 1 hour -- (hint): I use a large bowl covered with a cloth and put into oven with light on when dough has doubled knead down by hand on an oiled surface-- shape into loaves, put into greased loaf pans and let rise until doubled for the 2nd time. Bake @ 350° for 30 min --- Single loaf in a 12" dutch oven with 16-18 coals on top and 6-8 coals on bottom VARIATIONS: *Cinnamon Pull-A-Parts: Pinch dough into small golf ball-- dip in butter then roll in cinnamon sugar mixture *Onion Bread: While forming into loaves, knead in instant "minced" onion. Use more than you think you need! *Herb Bread: Combine favorite herbs together and Knead into bread