Truffles's blog
Peter Reinhart's High-extraction flour miche adventures
I have usually followed the instructions to oil the bowl lightly very poorly. Having had some dough stick to the container a long time ago I would pour oil into the bowl and spread it around with a paper towel. A number of the breads I tried would flatten out or at least no trise the way it seemed they should. So when I tried to make the bread in question I first of all made the mistake of grabbing the High Gluten container instead of the high extraction flour.
Poolish baguettes for Bread challenge
This the second try on this bread and it went better than last time. It still is not brown enough, is too flat and the texture is not open enough. I tried proping the door open with a hot pad at the top of the oven door for the last approx 12 minutes. Turned the oven off and left the bread in with door closed. I baked it quite a bit longer than called for so I guess I should just leave it in until it's brown enough.
Breads the thing
In order to participate in the Hamelman Challenge I have started this blog (I hope). U[ until today I was registered on TFL as caviar but today when I entered my user name and password I received the message that it was not recognized. After several years as caviar with content still appearing here on content. Oh well I am now Truffles. I don't know what that will do to my user name of caviar on the Bread Challenge. I will try to change that so there can be no more no recognitions. Sorry to go on so long.