Peter Reinhart's High-extraction flour miche adventures


I have usually followed the instructions to oil the bowl lightly very poorly. Having had some dough stick to the container a long time ago I would pour oil into the bowl and spread it around with a paper towel. A number of the breads I tried would flatten out or at least no trise the way it seemed they should. So when I tried to make the bread in question I first of all made the mistake of grabbing the High Gluten container instead of the high extraction flour. When I turned out the dough from the brotforms (I doubled the recipe) the loaves out but did rise in the oven although not as they should. So this time I went to TFL and asked about flattening and in among the various suggestions someone mentioned that they used very little oil ar none at all. I thought this would make a change in the shaping and maybe also help the flattening. This time I used high extraction flour, put a little oil on the paper towel and rubbed it around the bowl. I had also been unhappy with the browning of the loaves so I set the oven at 550 instead of 500 and lowered it to 460 after the first 25 minutes instead of right after the first steam. The loaves came out with nice lift and color but the insid e was a little dense but made great pannini sandwiches So I decided to try bread flour instead of high extraction in the soaker but with the whole wheat mother starter and whole wheat in the final dough. I was happy with the bread although I probably could have left the bread in the oven for more color. The scoring was not as nice eitherI think I will try using some rye flour maybe try to do the loaves with 40 % rye soaker.   Herb