Saturday's bake

Profile picture for user SaraBClever

The good news on this bread is I know my sourdough culture is strong enough, after several failed attempts this week.  However, I have to wonder (despite the great ear) if it was proofed enough.  I did the basic Tartine bread and let it rise overnight in the fridge (about 10 hours).  I'm surprised it was so much smaller than my Forkish breads, but then with many of those I've been adding instant yeast as insurance (using his hybrid dough recipe) so that could be some of the difference.  But I'm sure there's other things.  Bulk ferment not long enough?  Final proof?  Unlike the rest of this week, at least I know I didn't overproof!   And whatever it is, I got a great ear.



Thank you, and thank you for the reality check!!  I don't know why I was worried, other than that I didn't have enough faith in my starter.   I've had a few good days so I think it's plenty strong.  Mine will only double and not triple, but I tried feeding with white flour rather than WW or rye as an experiment.  Sure enough, more than doubled.  (I say sure enough thinking that, if white flour rises more, perhaps the same holds true for starter cultures).

The smooth, strong, uninterrupted gluten in the white flour allows it to trap more gas and rise higher. It doesn't mean the starter is stronger, but it displays the strength of the starter more visibly. Rye and whole wheat tend to produce stronger starters because there's more nutrition for the yeast, but these flours can't trap the gas as well so you don't see the starter climb up in the jar in the same way.