Marni's blog
Sweet Potato Challahs
I usually make pumpkin challah at least once in the fall, and set out to do so this time. I was thwarted by the lack of pumpkin in mt pantry. ( I could have sworn I had at least one large can in there...) I decide that seet potato would substitute just fine, and it did! I think I might even like this better.
Sourdough Boules
So, I've read David's scoring tutorial and now I have a question. Knowing me, it was answered there and I've somehow missed it, but I'm wondering about different cuts. I think it said that cutting a simple cross will help with upward expansion, my loaves here rose well, but I'm wondering if they would have risen more if I had cut at an angle. These cuts were 90 degrees. The tutorial said that straight angle cuts open faster and can halt the oven spring.
Two mostly whole wheat loaves
I bake bread at least twice a week plus the cookies and quick breads that are the treats around here, but I just haven't had the time to post. That combined with the fact that most of my bread baking is about getting sandwiches made that my kids will eat! Panned loaves didn't seem interesting enough for me to keep track of, but hey, I'm baking like crazy and sometimes I like to look back and see the results of all the work. Too bad I didn't get a shot of the eight loaves of challah last week.
"Pizza" Project
One of the traditions of Purim (a very festive Jewish holiday celebrating an ancient victory) is to send gifts of food to friends. Because the day is so full of fun, many people try to provide a laugh along with the treats. This year, I decided pizza and beer would be fun. How is that fun?
Because they're cookies!
Today's baking
Well here it goes, trying to post pictures on my blog - today I baked a traditional Jewish holiday treat called Hamantashen. They are popular for the holiday of Purim which is next Tuesday. I made about 110, a mix of prune, cherry and blueberry. I'm not the most careful cookie shaper, but these are disappearing too fast for that to really matter.
I can't believe it's been a year!
I realized that I've been a member here for a year now, and can hardly believe it! The old saying "time flies when you're having fun" couldn't be truer. I've learned so many helpful techniques here - and I'm so thrilled to have my healthy active starter. (It's also about to have its first birthday! )
I decided that as I've reached this one year mark, it's a good time to start a blog and learn how to post pictures here. Wish me luck, I'm pretty hopeless with the computer.