Isand66's blog

100% Whole Wheat Desem Adapted from Phils Formula

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I've been wanting to try my hand at making Phil's 100% Whole Wheat Desem bread since it sounded so simple but yet so good.  I had started preparing the Desem starter a while ago but had to abandon it when I went away for business.  I was not thrilled with the way it was turning out anyway so it wasn't a great loss.

Chipolte Cheddar, Smoked Onions Potato Sourdough Bread

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I've made similar bread with cheese and potatoes before, but this time I added  some Durum Semolina flour to the starter and I smoked a sweet Vidalia onion and some baby red potatoes as well.

I like to work with fairly high hydration doughs and this was no exception coming in at 75% hydration.

Jewish Rye from Greenstein's "Secrets of a Jewish Baker"...David Snyder Adaptation

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This recipe comes courtesy of David Snyder who posted his adaptation here.

I have posted about other rye breads I have tried making previously and I have to say all of them including this one have come out pretty good.  The big difference in this recipe is that all of the rye flour is added into the rye sour and the dough is fairly high hydration compared to the other ones I have made.

Coconut Pain Au Levain

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It's great to be back home from my 11 day trip to China for business.  I couldn't wait to get home to my wife and my 5 kitty cats.  We recently adopted another furball named Cleopatra and she has lived up to her name taking over the household like she's been with us forever.

Multi-grain Sourdough Act 2

Profile picture for user Isand66

My first attempt this bread I concocted came out excellent with a nice moist open crumb and crisp crust.  I decided it was time to try it again and change-up some of the flours and grains used in the soaker.  I just picked up some Bulgar Wheat so I decided to add that to the soaker along with rolled oats, malt rye berries, oat bran and cracked wheat.  I also used a different mix of

French Style Baguettes with Quinoa Flour

Profile picture for user Isand66

I was in the mood for something simple and relatively uncomplicated to bake so I decided to make some baguettes based on the Peter Reinhart method from ABED which uses a long overnight ferment of the bulk dough.  Of course I couldn't leave well enough alone and had to add something different to make it more interesting.  I just picked up some quinoa flour from the supermarket which imp

Cherry Vanilla Sourdough Bread

Profile picture for user Isand66

I love cherries and I love vanilla, so what better flavor combination to try to work into a bread recipe?  I have never incorporated a liquor into a bread dough before, so I'm not sure what to expect, but I do have to say it smelled fantastic mixing it up.

San Francisco Style Sourdough 4.5 adapted from Dave Synder

Profile picture for user Isand66

After reading about Dave's never-ending quest to create the perfect San Francisco Sourdough bread I felt it was time to give his latest recipe a whirl.  I have never been to SF so I don't know exactly what the final bread should taste like other than by his description.

Espresso Flavored Smoked Onion Sourdough Bread

Profile picture for user Isand66

This bread is an adaptation of my Coffee flavored Rye bread I made a little while ago.  This time I tried to get a stronger coffee flavor so at the suggestion of my fellow "Mad Scientist" bread baker DA Brownman, I added espresso powder to the recipe.  I also increased the amount of onion since I wanted a more pronounced onion flavor in the final product.  If you are not a big onion

Sweet Potato Chick Pea Sourdough Bread

Profile picture for user Isand66

I am always on the lookout for something new and different to try in a bread recipe.  I was visiting my home town of Massapequa, NY this weekend and stopped by a specialty supermarket to pick up some cookies and came across a bag of chickpea flour.  I have never used this in baking anything before and didn't know exactly what to expect.  I had some left over roasted sweet pota