Ilya Flyamer's blog

Sandwich breads

Profile picture for user Ilya Flyamer

Made a couple of sandwich breads this week. I'm quite new to this style (mostly or all white flour with light enrichment with milk, a little butter and sugar). It seemed like an easy style to figure out, but interestingly both breads came out with (rather minor, but still) defects.

~40% Balcaskie Landrace whole wheat

Profile picture for user Ilya Flyamer

Discovered the whole wheat flour I've wanted to try for a long time available in a shop last week, and decided to use it in one of my typical recipes, with approximately 40% of this flour, and rest strong bread flour (and rye starter). Formula:

Pain de Mie

Profile picture for user Ilya Flyamer

First time trying a Pain de Mie style bread. Generally followed Maurizio's recipe, except used smaller inoculation, and just directly used my refrigerated rye starter. Formula, scaled for 1 loaf:

15% Beremeal (barley) sourdough

Profile picture for user Ilya Flyamer

Remembered that my bag of beremeal is expiring next month, so used it for these two loaves. Very small inoculation with recently refreshed refrigerated rye starter. Here is the formula:

Fermentolyse 30 min
Add salt and a splash of water, mix in and knead with slap&folds until medium development.
40 min rest, then folds.
1.5 hrs rest, folds.
Let rise at 27C until ~60% growth (~7 hrs?), gently preshape, 30 min rest, shape and refrigerate overnight.

Seeded sourdough flop

Profile picture for user Ilya Flyamer

I guess I was due a pancake (almost)! Wanted to keep exploring the sourdough poolish idea after delicious (although ugly) ciabattas.

Decided to make a seeded sourdough with ~40% whole grain and a soaker, and made a preferment with all the whole grain in the recipe:

Sourdough with einkorn

Profile picture for user Ilya Flyamer

Due to *life* my levain for Maurizio's "best" sourdough I wanted to bake got too ripe, so I improvised a different recipe: more wholegrain (using einkorn), slightly lower hydration:

Simple procedure: mixed, slap&folds, stretch&folds, bulk until increased volume and jiggly, shape, cover in sesame and poppy seeds, retard, bake.