Ilya Flyamer's blog

Happy Purim!

Profile picture for user Ilya Flyamer

This year with CLAS! Will bring the treats to work tomorrow.

Here is the dough formula:

For the filling I found milled and steamed poppy seeds here - Dampfmohn (pricey, but saves a trip to Germany to buy ready made filling, or saves lots of hard manual work with a pestle and mortar). So just boiled those with milk, honey, lemon zest and raisins the day before.

Ruchmehl bread

Profile picture for user Ilya Flyamer

Made another bread with all ruchmehl - a Swiss "semi whole" wheat flour. Used some quite old unfed rye starter from the fridge (maybe around 25 g?), 450 g ruchmehl, 330 g warm water, 11 g salt. Mixed with a hand mixer and spiral attachments until moderate gluten development. Did three folds about 30 min apart, then left at around 28ºC for a few hours, until nicely grown and airy. Preshaped, and then shaped into a batard, left to final proof overnight on the balcony. Baked in the morning on steel 230ºC around 15 min with steam, then 210ºC without steam until good colour.

Yorkville-inspired baguettes

Profile picture for user Ilya Flyamer

We bought some cheese on a market across the border in France on the weekend. So my girlfriend requested some baguettes to go with them, since all my equipment including the baking steel finally arrived from Edinburgh. I wanted to try Benny's Yorkville baguette formula (sans any seeds this time), but I needed a slightly different schedule than in Benny's recipe, so I prepared the levain overnight and increased the % PFF, and shortened the bulk fermentation time.


Profile picture for user Ilya Flyamer

Happy New Year everyone. I'm back in Switzerland after holidays and baked my first bread with the local Ruchmehl flour - a Swiss version of high extraction flour. I followed a very simple recipe from

Ciabatta with CLAS and 20% durum

Profile picture for user Ilya Flyamer

I finally got close to where I want to be with ciabattas!

I was going to a friend's flat for an Italian dinner yesterday, so decided to bring a ciabatta, although previously I only had partial success with this style of bread. However Rus Brot has a video recipe for ciabatta, and so far each and every recipe of his have been a great success, so I decided to risk it. The video is unfortunately only in Russian:

Seeded whole wheat pan loaves with CLAS

Profile picture for user Ilya Flyamer

Followed a very similar procedure to the recent seeded whole spelt bread I posted, again following Rus Brot's process: I took his recipe for whole wheat bread and added seeds. The dough was super slack after the final mix, so I added a little extra flour, but still it was weaker than I would have liked. But baking in a pan solves this sort of issues! Here is the formula: