dosco's blog

Third Bake of 2017


Another variation on Reinhart's Basic SD.

After reading some of dabrownmans comments in a recent SD starter thread, I decided to incorporate more whole grain and "hard bits" in the starter. I didn't keep track of the masses of flour and water, unfortunately, but here are the basics:

First build:


2 tablespoons of starter "mother"

1 tablespoon Bob's Red Mill 10 Grain Whole Grain Hot Cereal

1 tablespoon Bob's Red Mill Whole Grain Buckwheat Flour

1 tablespoon Gold Medal AP

1 tablespoon Hodgson Mill Rye Flour

Second Bake of 2017


Second bake is for a weekend visit to some friends.

This is a sourdough loaf made using Reinhart's BBA recipe as the foundation, this time with KAF BF (15 oz), Gold Medal AP flour (4 oz), and a bit of rye flour (1.25 oz). I used 10 oz of firm starter ... I didn't measure the flour or water, but I'd estimate it was mixed to 70% hydration or so ... also I used the Gold Medal flour to build the starter.

2017 First Bake!


Happy New Year!


First bake of the year, Reinhart Basic SD, with KAF BF, Gold Medal AP, and a touch of rye flour. Starter was fed with only AP flour.


Oven spring wasn't what I'd hoped, I think the AP flour had something to do with it.


I immediately refed the starter and made another loaf (it's in the oven as I type this) ... I used similar flour amounts (quite a bit of AP) but this time I let it autolyze for 20 minutes and I immediately noticed a difference in gluten development when I started kneading it with my Kitchen Aid.

Liege Waffles


Made some waffles using [url=]this recipe.[/url]

I deviated from the recipe by using some starter instead of commercial yeast. I made a stiff preferment and after it doubled in bulk I scooped out a generous tablespoon full and went forward with the recipe. The bulk fermentation was about 8 hours in a very warm room, followed by the called-for retardation in the fridge.

Porridge Sourdough (Based on BBA Basic SD)


I cooked up some of the Bob's Red Mill 10 Grain Wholegrain Cereal and used it in the preferment instead of the main dough.

Preferment 1st Build:

25g of ripe starter

50g of cooked cereal

50g of water


Preferment 2nd Build:

150g of cooked whole grain

50g of white whole wheat

200g of water

"More than 15 but less than 30" Ingredient Sourdough (Based on BBA Basic Sourdough)


I was intrigued by dabrownman's "more than 15 but less than 30 ingredient challenge" so I decided to give it a try by modifying Reinhart's BBA Basic Sourdough. I bought a package of Bob's Red Mill Whole Grain 10 Grain Hot Cereal, which appears to be coarsely milled whole grains, and chose to substitute 5 oz of starter with 5 oz of dry whole grain (Reinhart's recipe calls for 10.2 oz of preferment, in this bread I used about half as much). I made a bit of a mistake here as I added enough water to soak the grain overnight which totaled 7 oz of water ...

Dutch Oven


So I found the bottom of a DO at the local antique shop ... $25.

I decided to use it immediately, so I made some dough. It's my usual, modified BBA SD recipe, this time to 82% hydration.

Preferment: 13 oz a 100% hydration (it may have been a bit more or less, my scale hiccuped)



KAF BF: 4.25 oz

KAF White WW: 5 oz

KAF AP: 5 oz

Rye: 2 oz

Sprouted Wheat Flour: 3 oz

Corn meal: 1 oz

Water: 17.45 oz

Salt: 0.55 oz

Modified BBA Basic Sourdough ... Higher Hydration


On Saturday 1-17-2015 I baked this loaf. As I've mentioned previously I've been tinkering with Reinhart's BBA Basic Sourdough recipe. For this bake I aimed for 77% hydration:


10.2 oz preferment, 70% hydration

20.25 oz flour:

   1.5 oz Arrowhead Mills Rye flour

   1.5 oz Arrowhead Mills Sprouted Wheat flour

   5 oz KAF AP flour

   5 oz KAF White Whole Wheat flour

   7.25 oz KAF Bread flour

16 oz water

0.5 oz salt

It's Been Awhile :)


Howdy ... I haven't posted in awhile, although I've still been baking, focusing on using Reinhart's BBA basic sourdough recipe (20.25oz flour, 10.2 oz starter, .50 oz salt, and 15.2 oz water). For Christmas I received 2 cane brotforms and so I've moved from batards to boules (although I did also get a linen towel that I plan on using as a couche for batards in the future).


BBA (Reinhart) Bagels


I used Reinhart's recipe from BBA with some deviations ...


- I made a 1/2 batch

- I used sourdough levain with about 1g of commercial yeast as leavening

- 4 day fermentation in the refrigerator

- Slightly heavier bagels at 6.75 oz/bagel instead of 4 oz/bagel