2017 First Bake!


Happy New Year!


First bake of the year, Reinhart Basic SD, with KAF BF, Gold Medal AP, and a touch of rye flour. Starter was fed with only AP flour.


Oven spring wasn't what I'd hoped, I think the AP flour had something to do with it.


I immediately refed the starter and made another loaf (it's in the oven as I type this) ... I used similar flour amounts (quite a bit of AP) but this time I let it autolyze for 20 minutes and I immediately noticed a difference in gluten development when I started kneading it with my Kitchen Aid.


No crumb shots, this loaf is for a friend, and the next is for a weekend dinner thing with friends.


Here's to a great year for all of you bread bakers out there!




PS: For the no-oven challenge, can I use a gas grill??



Looks good to me! Me too, I used AP for a softer crumb but autolyze it for 18-24 hours in the fridge to develop the gluten and improve the flavor. My first bake of the year didn't go quite well but I'm more motivated to succeed!

Of course, you can use your gas grill! Looking forward to your no oven bake. Happy New Year!