breadbakingbassplayer's blog

2/22/10 - Big Bad Batards!

Profile picture for user breadbakingbassplayer

Hey All,

Just wanted to share with you my Big Bad Batards from my 2/22/10 bake.  These are approximately 850g-900g and 16" long.  They are big!  Some of the nicest looking breads I have made in while.  I could have let the bulk fermentation go a little longer and upped my hydration... These were about 70% hydration.

1/26/10 - Pain de Beaucaire Sticks

Profile picture for user breadbakingbassplayer

Hey All,

Just wanted to share with you some more stuff.  This is my own improvisation of Pain de Beaucaire.  I decided to make them more stick like, which actually made them resemble the Chinese fried doughnut "yauh tiuh".  For more info, please check out the following websites:



1/22/10 - Ciabatta and Country Miche

Profile picture for user breadbakingbassplayer

Hey All,

Catching up again on my blogging here and post some pics of some ciabatta and country miche from my 1/21/10 bake.  I'll post recipes if requested...



Ciabatta Recipe:


60% AP Flour (674g)

35% Bread Flour (674g)

3% WW Flour (34g)

1/19/10 - 80% WW and Ciabatta

Profile picture for user breadbakingbassplayer

Hey All,

Just wanted to catch up on my blogging here and post some pics of some 80% WW bread and ciabatta from my 1/19/10 bake.  I'll post recipes if requested...



City Boy Buys a Hand Crank Grain Mill and Tries To Make Gérard Rubaud's Miche

Profile picture for user breadbakingbassplayer

Hi All,

Just want to start out by thanking both MC, and Shiao-Ping for their detailed postings and directions on making the Gérard Rubaud Miche.

Also, since so many people have tried out this method, I figured that I'd try it out too...  And my hand crank grain mill arrived a few days ago, and today was a snow day, so no work...

2/8/10 - 65% Hydration Baguettes

Profile picture for user breadbakingbassplayer

Hey All,

Just wanted to share with you some baguettes that I made last night...  Nothing fancy, but I think they turned out pretty nice except for the slightly burnt bottom on a few of them...  These are 65% hydration using a firm 60% hydration sourdough starter and active dry yeast...  I think it's a variation on Eric Kaiser's Baguette Monge, but using American flours, and a firm sourdough starter instead of a liquid one...  It's probably closer to Dominique Saibron's baguettes that do use the firm sourdough starter... 

2/7/10 - Sourdough Redemption

Profile picture for user breadbakingbassplayer

Hey All,

Just wanted to post my bake from 2/7/10... 

It is based off of this recipe:

But of course, I don't really follow recipes to the "t"...  It's not perfect as there were a few blow-outs, but the crust, crumb, and slightly sour flavor were pretty darn amazing...  Here are the pics first.  I will post the recipe in a few days...



I don't like baking breads with all bread flour...

Profile picture for user breadbakingbassplayer

I have come to the realization that I don't like bread flour...  Let me clarify this by saying I don't like making bread with all bread flour...

I recently acquired a 50lb bag of King Arthur Bread Flour through the generosity of Will Slick...  It has 12.7% protein...

I find that breads made with all bread flour are too chewy for my taste.  I have found that my sweetspot for bread flour is not more than 30% with the remainder in AP flour.