breadbakingbassplayer's blog

8/26/10 - Almond Milk Bread with Dried Cherries

Profile picture for user breadbakingbassplayer

Almond Milk Bread with Dried Cherries

This recipe was inspired by a friend who gave me some dried cherries to bake something with, my recent success with brioche, and a box of unsweetened almond milk that just doesn’t taste very good to drink straight…


1000g Bread flour (Gold Medal)

600g Liquid (3 eggs + almond milk to make up amount)

200g Liquid levain (100% hydration storage starter from fridge)

150g Granulated sugar

8/20/10 - Brioche Attempt (Done)

Profile picture for user breadbakingbassplayer

Hi All,

Just wanted to share with you my attempt.  It is loosely based on foolishpoolish's Brioche au Levain: and the Brioche With Liquid Levain recipe on page 204 of Daniel T. Dimuzio's book: Bread Baking: an Artisan's Perspective.  I am doing this completely by hand...


Liquid Levain:

100g AP (King Arthur)

100g Water

50g Sourdough Starter (100% hydration)

250g Total

Brief Baking Un-Hiatus - 7/30/10 - Large WW Boule...

Profile picture for user breadbakingbassplayer

Hey All,

Just wanted to say hi to all of you and share with you my bake from last night.  It's a very large WW boule.  It's sort of the whatever flour I had left in my kitchen type bake...  It turned out to be about 62% WW, 38% AP, and approx 70% hydration.  Here are the pics.  It turned out to be about 1890g after baking...  Enjoy!


Is On Hiatus...

Profile picture for user breadbakingbassplayer

Hey All,

I am on baking hiatus until Fall, or at least until it gets cooler here in NYC...

Until then, happy baking!


5/14/10 - Cranberry Apple Cider Bread with Walnuts

Profile picture for user breadbakingbassplayer

Hey All,

Haven't posted in a bit and wanted to share with you something I baked for the Yelp 2nd Annual Bake-Off on Saturday, 5/15/10 in NYC.  I was up against some stiff competion with a dizzying array of sweets and savory baked goods...  I figured that I wouldn't win against those, but I took comfort that everybody went back for 2nd and 3rd helpings of my bread...

Here's what was left the Cranberry Apple Cider Bread with Walnuts that I baked:

5/6/10 - 3 Boules

Profile picture for user breadbakingbassplayer

Hey All,

Just wanted to share with you 3 boules from tonights bake.  It's a sort of whatever flour I had left recipe.  I will post a crumbshot tomorrow.  Enjoy!




100g AP

50g SD starter at 60% hydr.

50g Water

Final Dough:

374g AP

314g WW

468g Water

14g Kosher Salt

200g Levain

1/4 tsp ADY

1371g Total Dough Yield

5/5/10 - Millet, Brown Rice, Corn Bread

Profile picture for user breadbakingbassplayer

Hey All,

Just wanted to share with you my bake from last night.  I made this bread using white corn flour, freshly milled jasmine brown rice, and millet.  I may have overhydrated, but I think it turned out nicely.  Enjoy!



700g AP

5/3/10 - Granola Boule

Profile picture for user breadbakingbassplayer

Hey All,

Just wanted to share with you my Granola Boule from my bake on 5/3/10.  It turned out better than expected.  Enjoy!



350g AP

150g WW

150g Firm SD Starter at 60% Hydration

450g Water

120g Raisins

100g Granola