Benito's blog

Seeded Buckwheat Whole Wheat Sourdough Soy Milk Avocado Oil Bread

Profile picture for user Benito

This doesn’t quite follow the guidelines of the Infinity Bread for the Community Bake, but it is my contribution.  My non wheat flour isn’t up to the 33% range that is in the write up.  I chose buckwheat flour which I toasted well to bring out the nutty flavour to the maximum.  I used the toasted buckwheat flour as all the flour in a tangzhong.  The texture of the tangzhong is different from what I’m used it, it was clumpy in lumps rather than one big mass.

Sour Cherry Rhubarb Sourdough Buns

Profile picture for user Benito

Close friends of our send us rhubarb every spring so I wanted to make something to bring them when we were visiting last weekend.  I came up with a sweet bun with a sour cherry and rhubarb filling along with a lemon icing.  They turned out quite well.

Yorkville Sourdough Baguettes

Profile picture for user Benito

I know I’ve made these many times trying to improve them, but I think for the flour that I use which is an organic AP equivalent to T55 I have settled on what I think is the ideal hydration and degree of fermentation.  I have baked another set today along with the pie for a dinner party we are throwing tonight.  Hopefully our guests will enjoy the meal.  The main course is a miso vinegar chicken dish with peperoncinis and peppers.  Both the miso and the red wine vinegar I make myself, the miso is fermented for 1 year.

Spiced Peach Rhubarb Streusel Pie

Profile picture for user Benito

Recently we’ve acquired a preference for streusel topped pies over double crusted pies.  One of the nice things about a streusel topping is that you can add spices or nuts to it that might compliment the flavours of the filling.  In this case the filling has both cinnamon and allspice so they were also added to the streusel.  Another thing about streusel toppings is that you can have your pastry rolled out and crimped and then frozen, fill your pie and then throw on the streusel and immediately bake.  It is so fast and simple.

Whole Red Fife Whole Wheat Walnut Oil Sourdough Shokupan

Profile picture for user Benito

I was thinking the other day about eliminating the butter from my milk breads and remembered the bottle of toasted walnut oil in my cupboard that needed to be used, so I came up with this loaf.  I was in a rush out the door at the time I needed to shape this so I did the lazy thing and shaped it as a batard and not into my usual four lobes.  I actually quite like how this turned out visually especially when topped with black sesame seeds.

Braided Purple Sweet Potato 20% Whole Wheat Sourdough Milk Bread

Profile picture for user Benito

I was going to add cinnamon to the purple sweet potato but realized that I wanted this bread for sandwiches so the cinnamon wouldn’t be a good idea.  However, if this bread was for toast, adding some cinnamon to the purple sweet potato would have been delicious.  To make this bread, you’ll need to prepare some mashed purple sweet potato.  I did this a while back, then portioned and froze the portions in ziplock bags.  Once defrosted I blend the mash with a combination of sugar and flour.

Newfoundland Savoury Black Pepper Milk Rolls

Profile picture for user Benito

I was pressed for time and was tasked with bringing bread to my family’s Thanksgiving dinner yesterday.  The previous time I made rolls with Nfld savoury I didn’t use enough to taste them as much as I would have liked.  This time the Mt Scio savoury flavour was lovely and the milk rolls were enjoyed by all.

Pepita Sunflower Seeded Whole Red Fife Whole Wheat Sourdough Hokkaido Milk Bread

Profile picture for user Benito

I got my hands on some good stoneground whole red fife so wanted to incorporate it into my milk bread.  I haven’t used any red fife for a long while so it was due.  Because of the issues with gluten breakdown that seems to happen with red fife, I decided to use it all in the tangzhong, 20% since the gluten in the tangzhong won’t matter since it is cooked.

I had some pepitas and a handful of sunflower seeds lying around so decided to add them to this loaf.

Danish Loaf

Profile picture for user Benito

I’ve been wanting to try baking this style of bread for some time, but just couldn’t get my nerve up to trying it.  Despite its name, it seems that it is really an Asian style of bread.  I’m guessing that the Danish part of it is that it is somewhat like a danish as in the pastry.  Also, this isn’t something I could try during the heat of the summer and this week we are finally having some normal autumn weather.

100% Whole Wheat Sourdough with Egg 93% hydration

Profile picture for user Benito

I’ve tried adding an egg to my standard country sourdough but hadn’t tried adding one to a 100% whole wheat sourdough.  Given the benefits of an egg in bread, leavening, lightness of crumb, fluffiness and thin crisp crust, a bread that is 100% whole wheat should theoretically greatly benefit from the addition of an egg.