Blog posts

Always learning!

Today is Saturday, a bread baking day: I've made a batch of Low Fat Bran Muffins with apples, raisins, oat bran and All Bran cereal and later today I will be making a whole wheat recipe as a tester for author, Peter Reinhart. Perhaps I will start Floyd's Pain Sur Poolish later today and finish it up tomorrow. So many little time. Recently I received a copy of Elizabeth David's English Bread and Yeast Cookery. This is a book that I have wanted for a long time, but it may now be out of print.

flatbreads and more

Just to update my blog, I recently made 2 kinds of breads. First was a barley stout bread (malt syrup, rye, wheat, barley grains and ...Stout! :) ). Nice aroma with a slightly taste.

Handmade Loaves

Profile picture for user Floydm
I've been gobbling up The Handmade Loaf. Great book. A pity it is so hard to find in the states. I'm too tired to post any recipes or articles tonight, though I will again soon. I'm long overdue. For now, a roll call of things I baked this weekend: cinnamon buns Cinnamon Buns - an amalgam of recipes. flax seed bread Flax Seed Bread - from Dan Lepard's book. He calls it Linseed Wheat Bread, I believe. So good I made a second batch.

Asiago Bread

In the summer I live in the Chicago area but I spend seven months of the year in Fort Myers, FL. Down here I greatly miss the great Asiago bread made by Panera (formerly St Louis bread company.) Nobody makes it in this area, so I thought I would give it a try. I was sort of on my own, because I couldn't find a recipe. I chopped up 2 1/2 oz. of the cheese in a mini blender. I used three cups of flour and followed exactly Floyd's lesson number five for making french bread. I used 1/2 tsp. of dry yeast (bulk from Costco which I keep in the freezer) in the starter and 1/2 tsp.

Ever have one of those days?

Profile picture for user Joe Fisher
So last night I was thinking to myself, "I'd like to make some sourdough this weekend. Tomorrow morning I'll take out some of my ripe chef and make a starter with it. It can activate while I'm at work." This morning, I went into the fridge, grabbed my tub of chef. Grabbed the scale and a spatula, took out the stone ground rye. Then I walked over to the garbage can and dumped half of the chef. Then I stared at the chef I had just discarded. *sigh* Stupid auto-pilot. -Joe

100% SD Rye bread

My 2nd attempt at a 100% sourdough rye bread. :)Finally turned out better!! Made with wholemeal rye and chopped rye grains. Aromatic and sour.. Image hosting by Photobucket Would increase the hydration next time to obtain a more open crumb...if possible.

Back at it

Profile picture for user Floydm
It has been a very busy month. Work, class, guests, birthdays, etc. I've baked fairly regularly, but I haven't had time to take pictures, post recipes here, or experiment. Today I used my sourdough starter. I've been feeding it once a week, but I hadn't baked with it in a while. I just made some little buns: sourdough buns They weren't bad. I served them with a pot of homemade split pea soup. The real star of the meal were the homemade croutons.

Here goes nothing!

Profile picture for user Joe Fisher
Here's my try at rye and pumpernickel bagels. I adapted the sourdough rye and sourdough pumpernickel recipes in Bread Alone to make bagels. I used high-gluten flour instead of the AP/bread flour in the 20% bran mix. I also made the dough stiffer than for normal bread. The rye ones worked out great. They passed the 'float test' within 20 minutes of proofing. The pumpernickels are much denser, and haven't floated yet after almost an hour. Once they do, it's off to the frige for an overnight ferment. Tomorrow, I bake!