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Profile picture for user Joe Fisher
There's just something satisfying about eating a sandwich on bread you've made yourself. Soft, delicious bread. A sense of accomplishment. Anyone can go to the store and buy bread, and sometimes even more cheaply than I can make it for (I don't want to think about how much I spent in molasses on my last pumpernickel). It's funny, because not that long ago, it would have been completely commonplace to eat your own bread. We've become a society so dependent on having others do things for us. I'm a woodworker, and there's a similar satisfaction to working with tools you've made yourself.

Bread, crepe, curry...hmm

Well, again. It's time to update my blog on what i've been up to.. :P A few days ago, i decided to try an italian chestnut flour i purchased some time ago. So i made a chestnut bread with 15% WW & rye. Here's it - Image hosting by Photobucket Today,well...actually about an hour ago, we just had a lil green coloured indian crepe called 'Pesarattu', and fish curry (which was actually fish carcass...but still with quite an amount of meat & plenty filling).

Starter is off and running

Well I had ordered a sourdough started from the friends of Carl a while back and never got around to activating it. So I got a coupla containers over the weekend and activated it according to the book Classic Sourdough by Ed Wood,( 7pm) well it took off incredibly fast.....but there was a layer of hooch in the middle by morning. So around 9:30am I decided to wash it also according to the book, by 11am it had risen 1 1/2" and was still on the rise, we went away and when we returned home aroung 4 in the afternoon it had risen a good 2".

Success at last!!!

After many months of making french bread, I have finally achieved the results I have been striving for! Delicious open crumb,and crunchy crust. All my practice has finally paid off. For me, shaping has been one of my biggest weaknesses. Now hopeully I can achieve this again. WOOOHOOOO!!!!! =)

My Ciabatta

Profile picture for user Floydm
My Ciabatta (sung to the tune of "My Sharona")

my ciabatta
Oooh my little crusty one, my crunchy one.
Making you was awf'ly fun, My Ciabatta!
Your crumb is my fav'rite one, my fav'rite one.
When you gonna be done, My Ciabatta!

my ciabatta
Ready to munch, don't want to wait
for you to cool. Cooling on the rack, wire rack,
Time to eat. My my my i yi woo! M M M My Ciabatta...

Today's Loaf

I made a boule today that was one of my better efforts. Image hosting by Photobucket It tasted very good, but I think I can go wetter. Image hosting by Photobucket I'm also looking for more of a blistery crust- one that crackles a bit more.

The quest for 100% whole wheat Nirvana continues

Profile picture for user Joe Fisher
I'm determined to make the Whole Wheat recipe in the Bread Baker's Apprentice work. This will be my 3rd try. Got started last night. I put together the soaker with stone ground rye flour. It was 4.25oz flour to 6oz water. Covered, left on the counter. Then I put together the poolish. I used KA whole wheat flour. 6.75oz flour, and 6oz water. The directions say to "mix the flour and yeast, and add the water until it forms a thick paste. Stir only enough to hydrate the flour." First problem: 6oz of water was not even enough to pick up all the flour.

S for sicily!

Just a few days ago, i decided to try Pete Reinhart's Pane Siciliano. It's been a long time since i've wanted to try this.. Image hosting by Photobucket Image hosting by Photobucket Wished i'd shape it better though. But the semolina adds something nice to it :)! Anybody tried Pane di Altamura before? Is it 100% durum flour bread?

No matter how careful you are

Profile picture for user Joe Fisher
It's still easy to cut yourself while slicing bread. Yesterday, when halving one of my Pane a l'Ancienne from TBBA, I put my hand on top of the loaf, and sliced along the side, like I always do. It removes the possibility of getting the knife in the palm of my hand. Instead, the knife skipped on the (beautiful) crust and right into the pad of my middle finger. I managed to keep the blood off the bread! :) And boy, was there a lot of blood. I served it at a friend's party, and it was the talk of the room. Nothing trumps fresh bread! -Joe