Suggestions please for good recipes that don’t need a mixer


I am currently living a double life due to a 70 mile commute from my house to work. I got a place I live in during the work week and commute back home on the weekends. I rent a room from one of my coworkers and he is an awesome landlord/roommate.

But I don’t have access to my mixer during the week.  

I currently have this recipe I like to make:

But I could use some suggestions please on others that don’t need a mixer.


He can be found at the perfect loaf web site. He has a bunch, all documented with sample schedules. Ralph, over at the breadworks page on Facebook has a couple of really good no need to knead formulas. Additionally, the King Arthur, crunchy rolls, that I blogged here were great! I hope that helps. Any questions, please reach out.

Best regards,

Will F.

As someone who has never used a mixer to make bread, I can assure you, pretty much any formula can be made without one. Indeed, the KA recipe you link to gives instructions on how to make it by hand.
