Flat Bread Community Bake: Georgian Khachapuri

Profile picture for user albacore

Here is my contribution to the latest community bake. It is Adjaruli Khachapuri. The recipe I used was from Chainbaker https://www.chainbaker.com/khachapuri/

For once I more or less followed the recipe. My dough was a little soft, so I added half a scoop of WW atta to firm it up a little.

Also I split the dough into 2 medium and one small bread as I think just 2 breads would be rather large.

The breads were rich but tasty. We had the small one cold as a snack the day after and it was still nice cold.











The shape reminds me of a Turkish bread I had recently, but with very different fillings.  I wondered how the shape was created, and now I know. A version of this bread is in the Flatbreads and Flavors book I posted about.


Yes and no.  There are so many variations, it seems. The one like yours in the book is called "Georgian Cheese Boats" (adjaruli khchapuri).  The filling is soft goat cheese plus gruyere and yogurt. It doesn't have that final egg with butter. The boat shape is the same.