fermentation is weird


This is really just a vent.

I make sourdough enriched brioche-style roll, where the first ferment goes to about 55-65% rise @ 75F (typically takes about 6-7 hours), punch down, into fridge in a metal bowl for about 12 hours, shaped, and let rise a second time at 75F until jiggly, about 5 hours.  I have also skipped the refrigeration and gone straight to shaping, proofing, and baking with identical results, but the timing doesn't usually work and it's a bit messy so I stick to the fridge.

With the same recipe and flour, I accidentally let the first ferment go to 150% rise, which took 16 hours - 75F for half the time, then gradual decrease to 70F.  Punched this down, into the fridge for 2 hours so it would be easier to handle, shaped, proofed about 4 hours to jiggle at 75F, and... it baked up just fine.  

It wasn't overproofed, didn't taste any different.   Yay, I guess?!

I am so confused.

If a starter is used - is it alive enough to make a difference. You can make it any way you want - just play with the ingredients and times. Eventually you'll find that sweet (I guess there's a pun in there) spot. Enjoy!