kuruna tax-xewk rustic ( rustic crown of thorns)

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King
Maltese Ftira

Maltese Ftira 

The formula can be found at the link 👇 below 👇 


Renamed for the Easter season 

Photo montage process 

The ripe dough culture 

2., 3. Autolysis 

4, 5 The mix

6. Stretch and folds ( Three at 30 minute intervals)

7,8 The lamination (30 minutes from last stretch)

9. Dough ball at beginning of untouched bulk fermentation 

10. The final shape 

11. Scoring and baking

12. The finished product 

Profile picture for user Isand66

Love this shape.  The scoring is very cool 😎.

Happy baking!
