I need a volunteer, alternatively a committee of volunteers (whatever it takes.) Who will step up and host the first community bake on the new platform? The legend of the community bake is well documented. Possibly the greatest interactive, member driven feature in the history of Internet blogging sites. Possibly the history of the world even!
Too dramatic?
The song is for inspiration, just substitute community bake for planet. The photo above is for attention.
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And wouldn't mind hosting, though ideally with a few other friends. I've looked through past CBs and always found them really insightful and fun. Perhaps we could first come up with a few suggestions, or to get an idea of who's keen? Based on past CB suggestions and comments, I suppose we could come up with a theme, an ingredient, a process, or an easy formula to follow.
Just a few ideas.
I am glad you are interested in hosting a CB. I am equally glad that you took the time to research passed CB's. Do you know, the baguette CB produced a FL exclusive Baguette baking manual? The digital volume, available for free to anyone is by far the most comprehensive text ever written on the subject! I imagine it will be highly sought after in the future. Sometime around the thirtieth century? I digress. You should definitely host. Here is the best part of CB. We use the hive mind to explore a formula, ingredient, or some other criteria simultaneously. This allows us to explore variables at speeds nearing AI. Okay, not quite that fast. LOL. Please, think about this, pick a topic that you would like to explore in depth. Then put out some feelers to gage interest. You can count me in from the get go. I will start you participation list now. additionally, I offer to you any assistance needed to get this off the ground.
Community Bake 2025 Participation list.
1 Host - II 443, Lin
2. Assistant to the host- TRPK, Will F
Good luck, and kind regards
Will Falzon
Photo for attention