Initial proof


So the recipe says to mix and “let double” for 8 to 18 hours. How do I know if I let the dough overproof? I prepared the dough at noon and checked before going to bed but felt maybe I should let it continue to rise. (My previous breadmaking experience taught me to allow the fermentation to develop longer.) This morning it looks like it’s fallen and has a strong alcohol smell. Yikes! So where’s the sweet spot? How do I know when’s enough???

Hi Frank, 


Do you have a copy of the recipe you are following? 


Typically in a bread recipe you will have both a bulk fermentation (BF) and proof time. 

It sounds like you are talking about the bulk fermentation process here which can be anywhere from 8-12 hours depending on how warm your kitchen is. 

The strong alcohol smell is normal. 


Proofing occurs after BF and the loaf has been shaped. Proofing typically lasts 1 1/2 - 2 hours at room temperature (ambient proof), or until the dough has doubled in size. You can also do a cold proof (in the fridge) which can last from 8-12 hours. 


Hope this helped! 

This thread appears in two places with the same name - in the Forums section and in the Blogs section.  Some comments appear on one, some on the other.  It's very confusing.  I think the blogs one was posted first, so let's all try to remember to comment there, if we can.


If a dough isn't ready when it says in the directions - keep going till it says it's done. Any differences can be attributed to the starter - it's rare a starter matches another. Enjoy!