How to Adjust Panettone Acidity?

Profile picture for user onipar

As I prepare for this year's Panettone, I'm attempting to "up my game" by purchasing a PH meter to help with the Pasta Madre as well as the first dough. 

I've read a lot about how that first dough can't get too acidic during the first rise, otherwise the second dough may fail (which I think has happened to me).

The thing is, I can't find any information about how to adjust acidity in the first dough, after fermentation, if you test it and it's too acidic.

Is that even possible, or by that point is it simply not salvageable?

Is it an issue of making sure the Pasta Madre is the right acidity going in, and then controlling fermentation temperatures during the rise, and if you mess that up there's no way to fix it? 


The short answer - read “Sourdough panettone and viennoiserie” by Thomas Teffri-Chambelland.

The basic idea is to slow down the activitiy of the microorganisms in such a way, that the LAB are slowed down more than the yeasts.

Parameters for the PM: temperature, time, feeding ratio

Parameter for the first dough: temperature and sugar concentration

There is no shortcut. It might take a while to balance your PM.


Thanks, much appreciated!

Oof...I can't find that book for cheaper than $126 shipped, so might have to wait on that. A bit pricey for me at the moment. Putting it on my list though, thanks. 

Found a site with some good information from a baker which attended TTC’s Ecole École Internationale de Boulangerie:

When I want to boost yeast, I do even a few 1:0.8 or 1:0.75 refreshments at 26ºC for 2-2.5h.

Here in the forum you can find also some information about the TTC’s universal method. This helps you to calculate the right amount of sugar in the 1st and 2nd dough according to the universal method. Afair smbdy in the forum also posted a calculator. I just don’t have the link. 

Awesome, thanks so much! Sorry for the late reply, but I stopped getting alerts for some reason. I'll bookmark this and give your yeast-boosting recipe a try tomorrow. Cheers! 

You probably have to repeat the whole process 2-3 times:

- a few warm refreshments 1:0.8 (at the beginning it might take longer than 2.5h to double) during the day

- 1 cold (15ºC - 18ºC) refreshment (between 1:1 and 1:2 depending on temperature and time) during the night (8-12h)