Feedback for a Beginner


Hello, I recently decided to start baking bread and would really love some feedback. This is my third loaf so far and I used the "French Bread" formula from "The Bread Baker's Apprentice" book, the only difference being that this was done in a dutch oven-like baker. At least in my oven, his steaming method gave a thinner, softer, and more pale crust; it also was a little bit flatter, but I'm sure many more factors were at play there.

Well, here is the loaf:

whole loaf

cut open

Give me any visual criticism you can; I just want to know how to improve. I expected a more open crumb, although I wouldn't really call it 'dense'. How could I go about doing this? I also wished the crust had a more rich, beautiful color. Does it look like I got enough oven spring and had enough steam?

Thanks so much guys!

Looks great, no defects. 

More color = longer, hotter bake. 

Open crumb = more hydration and don't de-gas it when shaping. 

Wow! Great looking loaf. A darker crust is a function of a longer bake, a hotter bake or both.  Your oven spring is lovely and the slash opened up so beautifully. As for the denseness, that may be handling. Handle it very gently after the bulk rise and do NOT deflate it. That is mainly for sandwich-style crumbs. If you want more open crumb, the idea is to retain as many bubbles as possible.  You could try to increase the hydration a touch,also.

Great job!