Hello all ... I recently signed up and this is my first post. I'm fairly new to sourdough bread. I have a 4 month old starter that given 8-10 hours at room temp will increase ~150%. I use 1:1:1 when refreshing with 50/50 whole wheat/bread flour. Ive had a go at with various sourdough bread recipes on the net with varying degress or success but decided to work on a basic sandwich loaf and a basic artisan loaf until I understand what's going on.
Last week I made an artisan bread wheatfollowing Patrick Ryan's recipe 400g wheat, 160g starter,230g water and 5g salt. Knead to windowpane, bulk ferment 3.5 hours, shape and cold ferment overnight ~12 hours. There seemed to be minimal rise in the bulk ferment and I thought perhaps I over kneaded the dough. Patrick said 3 hours I gave it 3.5 then shaped it put it a banneton then into the frdge. There didn't seem much more rise in fridge and I thought perhaps I overdid my bulk ferment. Nevertheless I scored my boule put it a pre-heated dutch oven (DO)in the oven with an good misting of water. At 20 minutes I removed the DO top and it looked like I had a white pancake at the bottom. However, when I removed the bread from the oven 23 minuts late with and internaltemp of 97C it turned out the indeed was spring but a pale somewhat soft crust.
The crumb looked good and it tasted good albeit somewhat like a bagel. I've never had anything like this happen when making a boule before although my daughter thought it was great and wants another this week. I would appreciate any comments with regards to the soft light couloured crust as well as the late spring with top off the DO.
Drop water and increase time of the starter. You will lose sweetness as the starter gets acidic. The above will get ya going - but watch it - at first anyway. Enjoy!
OK .... drop spray in DO or hydration (water in dough mix)? Increase time of starter? ... that starter was a ~125% increase in volume ... ~ 10 hours ... usually my starter will start to fall between 10 to 12 hours. May I ask do you think the softer/lighter crust was the result of overspray before putting the top down on DO and baking.?
Could be the water (too much in the mix and/or the baking) - could be overproofed - could be under proofed. Only way to tell is to try - 1 thing at a time that is. Report results and go from there. Enjoy!
This is what I was talking about the crust being light and semi soft. Not traditional but easy on the roof of the mouth.
C above and remarks. Enjoy!