I was given a recipe for a large batch size and need to scale the formula back to a recipe which will make 2 loaves approx 700 g after final bake.
Original Formula (20 loaves):
autolyse:5700g Bread Flour3500g WaterAdd:1700g White whole wheat1500g Starter @50%2700g Water150g SaltTotal water: 6700gTotal flour: 8400gHydration: 79.8% New adjusted formula for 2 loaves using Breadcalc: autolyse:570g Bread Flour350g WaterAdd:170g White whole wheat150g Starter @50%270g Water15g SaltTotal water: 670gTotal flour: 840gHydration: 79.8% My question is this. The original formula assumes a starter of 50% hydration. I can build this starter using 100 g flour and 50 g water. Which is fine however I am more used to a 100% starter. If I where to build my stater using 30 g starter and 60 g flour and water what needs adjusted in the 2 batch formula above to maintain the 79.8% overall hydration give or take a few decimal points? No matter what I do I am struggling to obtain the overall hydration that I want from the original formula. Thanks for any and all advise this forum can provide me.
I wrote your orig formula at
However you say "If I where to build my stater using 30 g starter and 60 g flour and water what needs adjusted in the 2 batch formula above to maintain the 79.8% overall hydration".
I assume you want to keep all quantities in the autolyse the same.
The New Starter (50% hydr) you will make is now:
30g starter (50% hydr)=20gr fl+10 gr water
+ 60 gr flour
+ x gr water
Then x=30 gr. water for starter
But now there is only 120 gr starter amounts , not 150 gr as before.
If this is what you want then the formula is at
Last case:
If you want to build a 150gr starter as before but make if from 30gr starter, then add 80gr flour and 40gr water to get the starter (of 50% hydr) and just use your orig formula.
I hope this helps!
Hi - Trust this is what you were looking for.
gram %H Flour Water Seed F Seed W
150 100.0% 60 60 15 15 Revised 30g seed 100% hydration
150 50.00% 80 40 20 10 Maintaining original seed/starter % hydration
150 87.50% 60 60 20 10 Revised starter with original seed % hydration
The card displays the same total dough weight, 150g starter, same ratio for autolyse (flour & water 1) and overall a 79.4% Hydration (add additional 3 grams to water 2 and you will get a 79.8% Hydration)
The revised total dough weight is given just in case you ever want to make 20 loaves with a 100% starter