Bulk Fermentation Differences

Profile picture for user TiuingGum

I have been testing with Foodgeek's Master Sourdough bread recipe. I follow it to the tee but in the past the BF to 25% has always led to my loaf being super underfermented. It comes out fine between 75-100% rise for me. Just wondering what the explanation could be here if all other parameters are the same? My starter has no problems doubling in size within 3-6 hours. 

1: How are you measuring 25% risen? 

2: Are you waiting the correct amount of time the dough needs for the final rise? And by time I mean until it's ready! It could also be your fridge. Might be colder than his. So while his dough comes out ready yours might not have risen as much. You can try not refrigerating straight away. Leave out for 30 minutes and then refrigerate. If that improves it but only slightly then try 1 hour etc. 

3: When baking bread you do whatever it takes for the desirable results. You don't ferment for however long a recipe asks for if your dough doesn't seem ready. If 25% risen is not giving you a nice bread then wait longer.

1. The same way he does it in the video. After the stretch and folds, put in a container and mark the height if it were to double. Then mark 25% of that. 

2. I BF based off the volumn risen so no exact time. 

3. Yeah I get a much lighter and airy crumb with 100% rise. Was just wondering if there was an explanation to the difference in results in all other parameters are the same, including fridge temp. 

Do you keep the bulk fermenting dough warm? He uses a proofer set to 30C I think, which means his dough also stays warm for a while during preshape/shaping and starts off final proof warmer, and so can ferment quicker during those stages.

The flora that makes up your starter is different than that of the author of the recipe you are following. It could be any combination of factors from the container he used, how quickly the dough cools off where he places it in his fridge, how often he opens his fridge, or the cold tolerance of the flora in his starter.

It sounds like you've solved the puzzle of how to make his recipe work in your kitchen. Congratulations!