I keep my lievto madre wrapped and tied up in a linen wrap; and then in a plastic ziplock bag. I refresh it about every 4 days. 100 gram lievto madre, 100 gram filtered water and 200 gram bread flour (Guisto bread flour). She's kept in the refrigerator.
Lastly, I noticed that the linen wrap is very wet. And, when I unwrap the lievito madre to refresh it, there's no crust on the outside. The lievito madre is very light, airy and filled with air bubbles.
What am I doing wrong? Please advise.
Thank you
I'll forward your question onto him.
for bringing me out of the void on to this.
There are many questions to this question....
‘and then in a plastic ziplock bag.’ under what conditions, time and temp?
‘I refresh it about every 4 days’ every 4 days? again what does that mean, under what conditions, time and temp? Every 4 days can't be good!
‘What am I doing wrong? Please advise.’ If it's very wet that is proteolysis... The inevitable end of fermented flour...
Like idave would ask where are you located and what flour are you using?
I am based in San Francisco, CA. I'm just learning how to take care of my lievito madre. Sorry, I'm not doing a good job.
i have been doing feeding every 4 days. Every 4 days, I unwrap my lievito madre and feed it. 100 gram lievito madre: 200 gram bread flour: 100 gram filtered water. After I feed it, I roll it into a spiral, wrap in a linen towel and tie it up. Then, put it into a ziplock bag . Leave it at room temperature (~ 68F). Then, put in the refrigerator (40F).
I use Giusto Artisan Malted Unbleach Bread flour (
I filter my water with Zero Water 5 stage filtration ( I use room temperature water: 68F when I refresh my lievito madre.
Thank you for your response.
Please advise.
P.S. I am hoping to learn how to make panettone one day.
Hi Sherry,
Thank you for the extra information. Firstly, keeping a LM starter really requires precise temperature control for both cool and warm phases. Secondly, your schedule and feeding ratios are not in accordance with the typical process.
at 40F starters go to sleep somewhat and so putting it in the fridge is fine for longer periods of storage but is best avoided if trying to establish a healthy LM starter.
The feeding ratio should be 1:1 (LM:flour) e.g., 100g LM, 100g flour and 50g water most of the time. Please read the page on my blog:
Dear Michael:
Thank you! btw, I also watched your livieto madre video.
Thanks again.
P.S. Do you give classes? If yes, I would be interested in taking one.
You are welcome, Sherry.
Not as yet, but I am giving some serious consideration to starting a programme of classes...
As I think about it, one thing I would say is my classes would be more educational than troubleshooting...
Dear Michael:
An educational class about lievito madre would be great. I would be the first to sign up!
Thanks in advance