It says: "NEVER use recipes calling for more than 1.68 kg (12 cups) all-purpose flour or 840 g (6 cups) whole wheat flour when making dough with a 4.8 L (5-qrt) Stand Mixer."
Drier doughs put more strain on the mixer. If you try it, keep an eye and a hand on the mixer and shut it down if the mixer heats up, or if you hear it strain, or if you see/smell smoke.
Recommended max mixer speed for KitchenAid mixers for kneading bread dough is 2. So my guess for bagel dough would be 1.
Welcome to TFL!
The answer for _bread dough_ is in the manual. Since bagel dough is so much stiffer, I'm unsure what the answer would be.
If you don't have the manual, you can see/download the bowl-lift manual here:
It says: "NEVER use recipes calling for more than 1.68 kg (12 cups) all-purpose flour or 840 g (6 cups) whole wheat flour when making dough with a 4.8 L (5-qrt) Stand Mixer."
Drier doughs put more strain on the mixer. If you try it, keep an eye and a hand on the mixer and shut it down if the mixer heats up, or if you hear it strain, or if you see/smell smoke.
Recommended max mixer speed for KitchenAid mixers for kneading bread dough is 2. So my guess for bagel dough would be 1.
Thank you !