Making Bread in an Instant Pot / Toaster Oven


Hi TFL members, truly grateful for all the help i have got from the members of this team. I have learnt so much. - Thank you!

I was wondering if there is a way of making bread in an Instant Pot / Toaster Oven

I have an IP which has the 7 features a small 3 qt one with a yogurt maker button. - no airfryer or any of those fancy features

My Toaster oven is Master Craft brand and the temp goes upto 450F.

Is it possible to just use these to make  bread. 

I do not have much strength in my hands to hold a cast iron skillet on my glass top cooking range. 

Can i use an ordinary skillet, or make the dough in the IP and when she has risen put her in the Toaster Oven for a few mins.

Just making only a loaf at a time and do not like to use my big oven.

I managed to get the Cromarty Bread recipe of Andrew Whitley from PMCcool - Paul as i do not have the book at my Library. Thank you.

Thank you for reading my post - appreciate any help 


.... in a toaster oven. We had our kitchen remodeled last summer, and it was out of commission for about 6 weeks. We got an XL toaster oven, and my husband set up an old fashioned outdoor summer kitchen for me. Whatta guy! 

You can read what I did here and here. In both cases, the bread came out great! 


Thankyou Justkeeps for the great pics and recipes 

The bread looks nicely risen in a toaster oven. 

The setup made by your husband is lovely. 

I was wondering how to go about baking in a toaster oven

Thankyou for the encouragement

I don't know why you'd need an Instant Pot to make bread.  All you need is flour, water, salt, and yeast (or sourdough starter). Mix with a fork or your hands. Rising as per recipe. Place in any oven proof container that fits in your toaster oven and bake. 

I suggest Jim Lahey's no knead bread to start. You can use a saucepan with a lid to sub for dutch oven if your toaster oven won't take a dutch oven.


Hi Ambimom

Thank you i had seen where they used IP to make the dough rise or use a steam method (like they make the steam rolls) then after it has risen to max, then put the dough in a toaster oven.


Thank you for your suggestion


I have an instant Pot and a small Black&Decker Toast-R-Oven.  I usually bake in my oven, but I am also curious to know if I can save energy using my toaster, especially since I only make small 150 gram mini-loaves since I am still learning and doing it mostly for fun. I still am struggling to achieve a good over rise in the oven and found I got a better rise steam'ing in my IP, but of course, no crust. I haven't gotten a good rise in my toaster, so next I am going to try steaming in the IP and transfer'ing to the toaster. As I said, I am just having fun with this.