This may seem like a rehash of a previous post, but I hope it is not.
I have been baking a brioche type of pastry for many years with great results. But, I need a second set of eyes to see if I could improve (reduce the production time) on it.
I may have posted in another thread about this pastry, called an ensaymada, which is a Filipino sweet roll.
Anyway, here are the steps I take after measuring my ingredients
(mise en place).
Proof the yeast with a portion of the liquid (milk).
Place a little more than half the flour into mixing bowl.
Add remaining milk into flour along with yeast mixture. Mix with dough hook until a heavy batter-like dough is formed.
Cover and allow to rise for about an hour to develop a sponge.
Deflate sponge and slowly add sugar and egg yolks to batter/sponge.
Add remaining dry ingredients to mixing bowl and knead until smooth and elastic.
Add softened unsalted butter until all is incorporated.
Knead dough until smooth, elastic, and shiny.
After that, I allow to rise until double in bulk. I then weigh out each piece make up my rolls, place on pans and final proof them, then bake.
Any suggestions on how to improve this process?
Being a big fan of an efficient process, I'd say there's not much to do. It's a pretty lean process, things just take time. Usually good things! I'd go so far as to say if ya enjoy making these, take more time and enjoy it all the more. Enjoy!