Air bubble in Doughnut


Hi Everyone,

I’m having a problem with my doughnuts and I can’t seem to figure it out. I’m getting an air bubble under the surface of the doughnut (the side that hits the oil first), and I don’t know why.

After I mix my dough, I let it sit at room temp for 30 minutes. I then form it into loaves and put it in the fridge for about 22 hours. I then put it through a sheeter, cut my doughnuts, proof them in a proof box, let them dry for a few minutes, and fry them at about 360F.

Does anybody know what would cause this problem? Is it a fermentation issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I never had the issue with rings but Bismarcks would get the bubble, they would actually flip themselves at times, during colder weather. 

Okay, I'm having two problems.

1) I'm still getting this bubble. We've extended proof times, but we either get the bubble or the donut is overproofed. I'm now wondering if there is some error I'm making earlier on in the fermentation, or perhaps something else? After the dough is mixed, we divide it into smaller loaves and put it straight into the fridge for a whole day. Should I be leaving it out at room temp to bulk ferment before putting it in the fridge? I also get bubbles on the uncooked side of the donut and I wonder if this is a clue.

2) I make a vegan raised donut as well. No matter if I extend the proof or shorten it, they are coming out almost completely empty on the inside. This is extremely frustrating and I cannot figure out what is causing it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.