streaks in bread

Profile picture for user Mike P

Adding canola oil to my bread recipe, leaving streaks in the crumb. Doesn't seem to affect taste, just spoils appearance.

Then don't add oil if you don't like the look of it. After all, you can experiment with the recipe - it's even more interesting than cooking according to the instructions.

Yes.  I don't always add oil, depends on the type of bread. This was my white sandwich bread and I always add honey and oil or butter. But true, I expect it won't make much difference. 

When oil hits flour before water does, it prevents the flour particle from fully absorbing water. 

What I do is.... mix in all the water first, and when all the flour is wetted, then mix in the oil.

Please let me know if you try this, and how it works out.

Good luck, and bon appétit.

 Quite often streaks are  from oil that has been used in the dough proving rather oil in the mix as that should have been well incorporated  also flour if it used generously in the moulding  process rather than just a dusting.