Vegan croissants

Profile picture for user Breadbb

Hello! Long time lurker, first time poster here. I just attempted some hand-laminated vegan croissants at home with KA bread flour and Earth Balance sticks. Crumb is far from ideal (not totally bready, but no honeycomb and kind of dense and greasy) and they felt heavier than they should be. Is this an indication of underproofing? They had over 2.5 hours at around 75 degrees F for the final proof. Or maybe it’s just that the softer than butter margarine got too warm and was seeping into the dough? The dough was fighting me a bit while rolling out so maybe it was handled too much. Maybe I should try a weaker flour. 


Seems like you are being critical for vegan croissants (but aren't we all on our own creations).  That seems like a very long proof.  I proof mine for an hour so I'm wondering about your proofing time.  Never did them with margarine so I'm sorry but just wanted to mention they look mighty fine !