It seems this is a trend. We used to buy rye chops from Puratos, but they also no longer inventory this product. As a substitute we crack whole rye berries through a mill.
I ordered this product as a trial from Camus Country, though they're listed as Organic Cracked Rye (Rye Chops) Despite the parenthetical, they look like cracked rye to me, which is fine. I'm giving them a try this weekend.. The KA discontinuation is sad - I use Hammelman a lot, and many of his recipes call for chops, though cracked rye is a listed substitute.
Someone may correct me, but I believe that the difference is that the chops are literally the rye berries chopped, where with cracked rye they are ground.
The milling process is different. Cracked rye goes through steel or stone rollers; as a result the endosperm, bran, and germ become disassembled. Chopped rye goes through sharp steel blades; the berries' components remain intact.
I considered ordering from Camas Country Mill. Instead, I cleaned out my Capresso burr coffee grinder and plan to use that. It will serve the purpose. Finding rye berries is the next problem. I can get a 25# bag from Fairhaven Mills.
It seems this is a trend. We used to buy rye chops from Puratos, but they also no longer inventory this product. As a substitute we crack whole rye berries through a mill.
I ordered this product as a trial from Camus Country, though they're listed as Organic Cracked Rye (Rye Chops) Despite the parenthetical, they look like cracked rye to me, which is fine. I'm giving them a try this weekend.. The KA discontinuation is sad - I use Hammelman a lot, and many of his recipes call for chops, though cracked rye is a listed substitute.
Is the difference that rye chops are cracked rye with the fines removed?
Someone may correct me, but I believe that the difference is that the chops are literally the rye berries chopped, where with cracked rye they are ground.
The milling process is different. Cracked rye goes through steel or stone rollers; as a result the endosperm, bran, and germ become disassembled. Chopped rye goes through sharp steel blades; the berries' components remain intact.
I considered ordering from Camas Country Mill. Instead, I cleaned out my Capresso burr coffee grinder and plan to use that. It will serve the purpose. Finding rye berries is the next problem. I can get a 25# bag from Fairhaven Mills.
I just realized that Baker's Authority carries rye chops in 5lb bags. This must be new - I think you use to have to buy 50lb bags.
Central Milling has both organic and regular "steel cut rye."
Currently, the regular is listed as out-of-stock, and organic is available.
also has steel cut wheat, 6 grain blend, and 9 grain blend. Organic and regular.