Rye Chops


Just as a point of information, King Arthur will no longer be carrying rye chops.  I find this pretty disappointing.

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It seems this is a trend.  We used to buy rye chops from Puratos, but they also no longer inventory this product.  As a substitute we crack whole rye berries through a mill. 

I ordered this product as a trial  from Camus Country, though they're listed as Organic Cracked Rye (Rye Chops)  Despite the parenthetical, they look like cracked rye to me, which is fine.  I'm giving them a try this weekend..  The KA discontinuation is sad - I use Hammelman a lot, and many of his recipes call for chops, though cracked rye is a listed substitute.

The milling process is different. Cracked rye goes through steel or stone rollers; as a result the endosperm, bran, and germ become disassembled. Chopped rye goes through sharp steel blades; the berries' components remain intact.


I considered ordering from Camas Country Mill. Instead, I cleaned out my Capresso burr coffee grinder and plan to use that. It will serve the purpose. Finding rye berries is the next problem. I can get a 25# bag from Fairhaven Mills.