Looking for a Good Bread Thermometer


Anyone using ThermPro TP-19 or TP-19H ?


I use something similar, not sure where I got it. Probably Walmart, the local grocery, or Bed/Bath/Beyond.  It doesn't matter much. 

Thermapen MK-4, pricey but still the best out there. I use it for more than just bread though

Probably any instant-read thermometer probe will work, although I'm not sure why you need one for bread. Usually bread will be thoroughly baked with a nice texture when the crust has achieved a deep golden-brown color and sounds slightly hollow when tapped. Experience is your best teacher in this respect, not a thermometer.

If you use aluminum bread pans, you might find that only the top crust is as brown as you would like it to be. You can fix this by rolling the loaf out of the pan directly onto the oven rack. Bake it for another 10 minutes or so for a nice all-over golden brown.