If my levain is starting to fall, but I'm not ready to mix it in, can I put the levain in the refrigerator to retard the development for a couple hours? Sometimes I forget to start the autolyse when I should, so this could come in handy, rather than waiting too long, when the levain isn't as active.
After watching a video from the Proof bakkery I got this idear.
Sometimes I don’t know when I can start the next day so putting the levain in the fridge just a little for is peak is a perfect solution.
What is the longest time you left it in the fridge.
Good morning, Jimmy.
I have adopted a new strategy of building multiple 125% hydration two stage levains, for practicing my bageuette game. on the 22nd I whipped up a batch of three. One was used immediately on repining. I used the last one bake 3 of 3 yesterday after warming the levian to room temp. That is a full four day retardation!
Is the levain close to doubling/tripling before you add it or at the beginning after the starter is mixed into it?