Can hardly wait to look inside!


I think I got an ear. This loaf was a challenge. Temperature control in my house is impossible. It's spring so sometimes the  house is 78 sometimes its 68. My refrigerator is on the fritz so it's 30F on its warmest setting. Turns out I forgot to turn the oven light on which made the rise super slow (and explains the starter not moving, the house is 70F and loaf temp was 78 but decreasing instead of increasing. I fired up the oven a few times to get it to 79.

It was super soft and droopy after the night in the almost a freezer, so I did another shape to get it smaller and got it in the oven. The other one in the pair sat out longer and is much flatter even after two envelope folds to shrink it up. All, it was nearly impossible to score. 

Until a repair person can come and fix the fridge, are there cold proof technique I can try? A cooler with ice in it? I'm strengthening the starter, I'll post in another thread.