The title gives the gist of my question. I've been following Ken Forkish's instructions in Flour Water Salt Yeast, but storing my starter in the fridge and feeding it once a week or so with 25g starter, 100g water, 25g WW flour, and 100g AP. However, when I take it out to bake with, I've been noticing that it takes a couple days of once a day feeding for my starter to start doubling in 12 hours. In the days prior to that, I'm getting like a 40-70% rise in 12 hours. If I feed my starter every 12 hours, can I shorten the time it takes for the starter to be ready to bake with out of the fridge? How do you recommend I feed my starter out of the fridge to revive it for baking?
Thanks for your help, feels like I'm running up to a wall after baking loaf after failed loaf, so any advice is very appreciated!