Diagnosis? Pain de Campagne FWSY


Hi Everyone,

I'm a long-time reader but new poster, so I hope I'm doing the right thing by creating a new conversation rather than hijacking the other recent discussion about this formula. I have attempted this twice after making adjustments based on self-diagnosis and the collective wisdom on this site in all the old posts and conversations. Looking for more advice / guidance / feedback, please!



1. PdeC followed to the letter. WW flour and KA AP flour, SAF red instant. Self-diagnosed as too wet for my novice hands to shape properly and over-proofed.

2 & 3 from same dough and bake after diving deep into this site. Following adjustments made:

A. Reduced hydration by about 10% in final dough, not in levain. 

B. Reduced bulk ferment time from 5 hours to about 3 with additional folds to build more gluten. (Still not sure how to "know" when BF is "done" but went more by feel - ability to hold 25% of shape after last fold, presence of bubbles under surface, rather than Forkish clock...)

C. Reduced proof time from 14 hours in fridge to about 10 hours for #2 and 11 hours for #3. IJudged by finger dent test.

D. Used the parchment paper trick to get out of banneton and into dutch oven (I only have one hence 50 min between 2 and 3). This may have informed the weird bubble / shape around side?

So, my interpretation is that #2 is pretty good or maybe under-proofed, #3 is over-proofed? Both ears and oven spring still underwhelming. Please cast in your diagnoses! Haven't seen crumb yet b/c still cooling.

Thank you all in advanced - I'm very proud, actually, of the improvement between 1 and 2 + 3, even though lots of room for improvement!


Posting the crumb of loaf #2 in hopes of getting some input! Also related question:

I've read the finger dent test doesn't work as reliably in refrigerated loaves. Can anyone recommend another method of determining proof timing?

Thank you!