Day 6 Split Starter & Feeding


I'm on Day 6 of my first Sourdough Starter experience and I was told that on Day 5 I should discard/split the starter and feed as normal.  I've been using a 1:1 ration of flour (2 oz. Wheat Flour + 2 oz. AP Flour to 4 oz. Water) since Day 1 and have consistently seen bubbling in the starter since early in the process.  Since I began this process, I've seen bubbling but no expansion in the starter.  I've smelled the starter to see if it's giving off a pungent aroma which I've read is an indicator or fermentation.  The consistency is that of pancake batter and seems to be getting more fluid.  I did notice some minor pooling of liquid on the top of my starter this morning.  Is the pooling of the liquid proper or does that indicate an issue?  Should I continue feeding with the same ratio listed above or should I adjust?  The ambient temperature in our house is approximately 68-70°.  I have the starter in glass jars with a plastic cling wrap over the opening.  Any help/advice is greatly appreciated. 




See if you can get the temp up to 75°F or plan to be waiting another week or two with the cold temps.  Also with cold temps, most 7 day recipes take 14 days or longer so treat the first two days as one.  What you can do is stop feeding for a day or two and then feed every second day if you can't raise the temps.  The water is most likely separation of water and flour.  Slosh the mixture around when you happen to walk by.  

If I understand correctly, the environment where the starter is kept should be 75°?  I've read that it could help to store the starter on top of a refrigerator, is that accurate?  I'm just starting to delve into the world of Sourdough and Sourdough Starters so I appreciate your help. 

When I feed the starter, what temp should I target for the water?  Thanks again for your help!

AJ, if you have been feeding your starter for 5 days without discarding some of it at each feeding you will need to make some changes. If that is the case you must have a very large starter right now.

There are 3 main problems with not discarding some of your starter

  1. your starter will get too large
  2. lets say you starter starts out at 4oz water and 4 oz flour (8 oz). Next time you feed it 4 & 4  so the starter is now 16 oz,  next time 4 & 4 now its 24 oz. The starter is getting larger, but the amount of feed stays the same.  A big boy eats more than a little one. Not reducing the size of the starter and feeding the same amount will starve the starter, given enough time.
  3. If you don’t remove some of the starter ta each feed the older flour will start to degrade (break down) and become soupy. I think that is what you may be seeing. When the starter gets thinner (soupy) it is less able to hold the fermentation gas and will not rise well.

Please write back and let us know if my understanding of your feed routine is correct or not. we will advise further.



Thanks for your insight Danny...

I did split the starter yesterday and now have two jars going.  So I should discard some of the starter at each feeding to allow the new flour to feed the smaller starter.  It sounds like the goal is to keep a smaller portion of the starter going each time with full strength, for lack of better terminology, flour/water.  Please let me know if I'm understanding you correctly.  Thanks again!

If you have a small glass or something similar use 10g starter + 8g water + 10 flour. Stir thoroughly and cover somit doesn’t dry out. Use a black marking pen the mark the level mark on the gas or jar. Put the time on the side. Every so often you can make the new (risen) level and put the time. Do this until the starter quits rising. It’s time to re-feed. Use the same ratios as before.

Take pictures and post them. It is also super important for us to know the temperature. F you can keep it warm it will move a lot fast. Try to stay 80F or below.

Let us know how things go.


Hey Danny,

I followed your suggestion, took a small Mason jar and added 10g starter + 8g water + 10g (5g whole wheat & 5g AP) flour.  I stirred thoroughly and covered with Glad Cling Wrap. 

Is this what the test should look like?


Yes, by mixing your starter a little dries, you should be able to see it rise better. Once it matures take closeups from on top and also from the side of the jar. Post it so we can take a look. Let us know how long it took to mature nad what the approximate room temp was.